Evan Lott

A man wearing glasses, a striped collared shirt and shorts smiling at the camera.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant

Contact Info

Wescoe Hall, Room 2017
Office Hours:
Tues. & Thurs. | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (In-Person & Virtually)
& By Appointment


Evan received his MA in History at the University of Kansas in 2024, and his bachelor’s degrees in business administration and economics at William Jewell College in 2018. He studies US Environmental history, Indigenous history of the Americas, and US West history. He hopes to write an environmental history of the Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) in the United States by evaluating our evolving treatment of the tree over time as a way of better understanding ourselves.

Advised by: Dr. Kent Blansett