Minor Curriculum

Requirements for the Minor
Minoring in History can add depth and breadth to your undergraduate major, whatever department you may be in. The Department of History is organized into 10 fields of study. For the purposes of the undergraduate minor, these fields are divided into two categories, reflecting a Western or non-Western orientation. Some courses can provide credit in either category.
Category I
- Ancient
- Medieval
- Modern Western Europe
- Russia/Eastern Europe
- United States
Category II
- Africa and Middle East
- East Asia
- Latin America
- Native America
The minimum requirement for a major in history consists of 18 credit hours across both Categories I and II, as follows:
1. Two courses (6 hours), each, in Category I and Category II
2. Two electives
3. A minimum of 12 hours (four courses) at the 300 level or above
It is suggested, but not required, that minors enroll in the historical methods course: HIST 301: The Historians Craft.
Exceptions to any of the above requirements must be by petition to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.