Luis Corteguera

- Professor
- Early Modern Europe; Spain.
Contact Info
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Biography —
Early Modern Europe; Spain
Research —
Research Profile:
Corteguera’s research has centered on early modern Spain. His first book, For the Common Good: Popular Politics in Barcelona, 1580–1640, examines how popular politics shaped the relations between Madrid and Barcelona in the decades leading to one of the greatest crises in Spanish history, the Catalan Revolt of 1640. He has also edited, with Marta Vicente, Women, Texts and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World. More recently, he has been working on a book project on Myth and Monarchy: Seeing the Invisible King in Early Modern Spain, which examines real and fictional face-to-face meetings between ordinary people and their monarchs. Corteguera has also studied the ways in which men and women interacted with God and the king through sacred and royal images. His book Death by Effigy: A Case from the Mexican Inquisition, recounts a tale of dishonor and revenge that reveals how ordinary men and women appropriated religious symbols for their own purposes, and the terrible consequences of getting caught by the Inquisition.
Teaching —
Teaching Profile:
Corteguera teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in early modern history, focusing primarily on Europe from the Renaissance through the eighteenth century and the Spanish Empire. He has served as Senior Honors Coordinator and Director of Graduate Studies. He has chaired or co-chaired more than dozen doctoral and MA committees in History. His doctoral students have focused on a wide range on topics on early modern history dealing with gender, politics, religion, urban, and visual culture in the Spanish Empire from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries. If you are considering graduate studies under his direction, Corteguera strongly urges you to contact him before you apply at
Recent Courses:
- HIST 101-114: From Renaissance to Revolution: Europe, 1500-1789
- HIST 325: The Spanish Inquisition
- HIST 520: Age of the Renaissance
- HIST 521: Age of Religious Wars, 1550-1650
- HIST 856: Graduate Colloquium on Early Modern History: Renaissance to the French Revolution
- HIST 857: Graduate Colloquium on the World of the Inquisition
Selected Publications —
Recent Publications:
- “The Segadors of La Renaixença: Literature Shaping History,” Catalan Review 36 (2022): 23–43.
- “Pan y Política en la Barcelona de los Siglos XVI y XVII,” in Mercè Renom, ed., Abastecer Barcelona: el municipio y la alimentación de la ciudad, 1329–1930 (Barcelona, 2019):
- “Teresa of Avila, Courtier,” Miríada Hispánica, 16 (2018): 135–45.
- “La política popular de Felipe IV” in José Martínez Millán and Manuel Rodríguez Rivero, eds., La corte de Felipe IV (1621-1665): Reconfiguración de la Monarquía Católica, Tome 3, Vol. 1: Educación del rey y organización política (Madrid: Polifemo, 2017), 360–79.
- “Sacrilege, Profanation, and the Appropriation of Sacred Power in New Spain,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Latin American and Caribbean History, April 2016 doi: 0.1093/acrefore/9780199366439.013.237.
- “The Peasant Who Went to Hell: Dreams and Visions in Early Modern Spain,” in Anne Plane and Leslie Tuttle, eds., Dreams, Dreamers and Visions in the Early Modern Atlantic World (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013).
- “Artisans and the New Science of Politics in Early Modern Europe,” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, special issue dedicated to “Medieval and Early Modern Artisan Culture,” ed. Margaret A. Pappano and Nicole R. Rice, 43, no. 3 (Fall 2013).
- Death by Effigy: A Case from the Mexican Inquisition (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).