Jonathan Clark

- Professor Emeritus
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Biography —
Jonathan Clark (Ph.D. Cambridge) formed his views as a Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge; a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford; and a Visiting Professor at the Committee on Social Thought of the University of Chicago. He devised the continuum of British history 1660-1832, from the Restoration of the monarchy to the Reform Act, and explores its commonalities and conflicts primarily in what he has argued are the interlocking fields of politics, religion and political thought. This involves research on the American and French Revolutions, on which he has written. Linking the arenas of British, American and French history, he is finishing a monograph on the social and political thought of Thomas Paine. He continues to write on secularization theory, and is at work on the first ever book on the Enlightenment.
Selected Publications —
- (ed.), A World By Itself: A History of the British Isles (London: Heinemann, 2010)
- ‘The Enlightenment: catégories, traductions, et objets sociaux’, in Les Lumières dans leur siècle, special edition of lumières, no. 17-18 (2011), pp. 19-39, eds. Didier Masseau and Gérard Laudin
- ‘Secularization and Modernization: the Failure of a “Grand Narrative”’, Historical Journal, 55 (2012), pp. 161-94