J. Megan Greene

Megan Greene
  • Professor
  • Modern China and East Asia; the history of the Republic of China under the KMT both in China and on Taiwan; nation and state-building projects in the areas of science and the economy, academia, and ideology.

Contact Info

Wescoe Hall, Room 3632
Office Hours:
By Appointment Only


Professor Greene's field of study is the history of the Republic of China under the KMT both in China and on Taiwan. Specific research interests include nation and state-building projects in the areas of science, the economy, academia, and ideology. She is currently working on a project on scientific and technical modernization in inland China during the Sino-Japanese war.

She is the author of Building a Nation at War: Transnational Knowledge Networks and the Development of China during and after World War II (Harvard East Asian Monographs, 2022), on Sino-American technical cooperation in the mid-twentieth century, and The Origins of the Developmental State in Taiwan: Science Policy and the Quest for Modernization (Harvard University Press, 2008), a study of industrial science policy in China and Taiwan under the KMT.. She co-edited with Robert Ash Taiwan in the 21st Century: Aspects and limitations of a development model (Routledge, 2007), which examines the extent to which Taiwan can serve as a development model for other states. She also collaborated with William Bowman and Frank Chiteji to produce the reader Imperialism in the Modern World: Sources and Interpretations (Prentice Hall, 2006).




Modern China and East Asia; the history of the Republic of China under the KMT both in China and on Taiwan; nation and state-building projects in the areas of science and the economy, academia, and ideology.


Teaching Profile:

Professor Greene teaches courses on modern China and East Asia. Her undergraduate courses include an online class on Chinese Business History that examines the development of business in China since 1900, a course on the history of Maoism and the Chinese Communist Party, and a course on Greater China that looks in particular at issues of regionalism and nationalism in modern China. She also teaches a graduate colloquium designed for students seeking training in the field of world history.

Recent Courses:

  • HIST 394: Made in China: Chinese Business History (online)
  • HIST 397: From Mao to Now: China’s Red Revolution
  • HIST 584: Modern China
  • HIST 604: Contemporary Greater China
  • HIST 800: China in Global Perspective