Faculty Research
Untold History of Panama's Successful Enslaved Resistance Detailed in 'African Maroons' Book
Associate Professor Robert Schwaller's book titled “African Maroons in Sixteenth-Century Panama: A History in Documents” details how, from the 1520s through the 1580s, thousands of enslaved Africans fled captivity in Spanish Panama and formed their own communities.

Drinking in Tradition: A Short History of Izakaya
Professor Eric C. Rath's latest article for Sake Times provides a history of how sake gave rise to Japan’s famed and unique gastropubs.

Clash of US Empire and Indigenous Peoples of Black Hills Chronicled in ‘Myth-Mapping’ Article
Professor Elaine Nelson's latest article, “‘No where to be found’: Myth-Mapping, Empire, and Resistance in the Black Hills Country, 1800-1860,” explores how 19th-century Americans viewed the Black Hills of her home state of South Dakota, while diminishing the history of Indigenous people in the area.

Video Games Shape How Americans Understand Historical Events
Professor Andrew Denning's article “Deep Play? Video Games and the Historical Imaginary" explores the role video games have in shaping players’ interest in history.

History and Evolution of Sushi Chronicled in 'Oishii' Book
Professor Eric Rath's new book 'Oishii: The History of Sushi' is the first of its kind written in the English language.

Oishii: The History of Sushi (2021)
Eric C. Rath
Beyond Pearl Harbor: A Pacific History (2019)
Beth Bailey & David Farber (Co-editors)
Crack: Rock, Cocaine, Street Capitalism, and the Decade of Greed (2019)
David Farber
The American Culture of War: The History of U.S. Military Force from World War II to Operation Enduring Freedom (2018)
Adrian R. Lewis
Japan's Cuisines: Food, Place and Identity (2016)
Eric C. Rath
Familiar Strangers: The Georgian Diaspora and the Evolution of the Soviet Empire (2016)
Erik R. Scott
Debating Sex and Gender in Eighteenth-Century Spain (2020)
Marta V. Vicente
Fat: A Cultural History of the Stuff of Life (2019)
Christopher E. Forth
The Republican Reversal: Conservatives and the Environment from Nixon to Trump (2018)
Andrew C. Isenberg (Co-Author)
Khartoum at Night: Fashion and Body Politics in Imperial Sudan (2017)
Marie Grace Brown
Géneros de Gente in Early Colonial Mexico: Defining Racial Difference (2016)
Robert C. Schwaller